Triple J Press has been around since 1982, prior to that date there was no press name used in the printing of items for family and friends.  Mostly the items where seasonal cards and a small book.  As time went on it also saw broadsides and some other items usually for some of the local museums in the Niagara area.  Attended crafts shows mainly to show about letterpress printing and with an Adana 8×5 which was setup for a bookmark or other item which allowed the printing of a personal item, which was mainly for the children.


Then came the reprints of some of Washington Irvings Sketch-Book which where bound into books about 4 x 6 inches.  Over time the equipment grew and using Linotype, Ludlow and Hand-set type on a Westman and Baker or a Golding Pearl  along with a Vandercook 0 proof press the aims of the proprieter are usually met. Having come from a family of printers, pressman, compositer and photo engraver it was a natural hobby to take up with and it has been an enjoyment as well as a learning experience.  Hopefully the learning will never stop and will continue to give the prop. his brand of enjoyment.  2010 saw the Westman and Baker leave the shop and was replaced with an early model Heidelberg windmill, things continue to move forward.


This year will involve some printing for the Mackenzie Printery and Newspaper Museum, along with producing a page for the Letpress Discussion List Cookbook project (now completed) .  Other items will show there head and the printing continues, another section of Washington Irvings Sketchbook is set and waiting its turn at the press. It was set just before the linotype hit the road for Mount Pleasant Iowa.


One more year and one more book has been completed and also have another one on galley ready for the coming year.  A little slower this year but we are progressing. Now retired for 11 years and still find it hard to find time to get everything done on the list, seems like there is less time in a day.


Here we are a few more years passed but things are getting done, not as fast as we would like but moving forward is always a good thing. Retired for 18 years now and time is still at a premium, the work list is not growing but keeping even for now.  Getting ready for another section of Washington Irving’s sketch book, will see how long that takes and how the setup works so onward with the show.


Have completed another section of the sketch book and getting ready to print for the next one on my list.  As we approach the end of another year, time to look at another calendar project and some other smaller items that need to get finished.